Types of Coffee Mugs

There's always a coffee mug for every circumstance you can imagine. Whether you need it, there's always a coffee mug to suit your personality. Sometimes, you will undoubtedly discover many choices to keep your caffeinated drink hot on an outdoor trip or to have a cold drink to take small breaks between your work. 1) Types of mugs based on Today, as we live in the age of science and technology with immense knowledge of material science and design features, we have an almost endless number of mug collections to choose from. Here we have attempted to categorize different coffee mugs based on their other types as mentioned. 2) Use of coffee cups 1) Classic mugs Classic cups were the first dedicated coffee cups; Europeans popularized these cups during the industrial revolution era. It can hold about 230ml of Liquid; they are usually ceramic, porcelain, or glass. They have a similar-sized base and top, but the handle is the only thing that gives ...